The PIP final standings are in!
Phil's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week just got a little bit more terrible-r and horrible-r.
The PGA actually released the data on their PIP program and the results were fascinating. Obviously the lead was Tiger's tweet to Phil which... this is probably best explained by the following.

Love my Bulls.
But beyond kicking Phil while he's down. I'm also intrigued by all the other data the PGA released to support the final PIP standings.
HOW ABOUT BUBBA! #1 in social media!
And an interesting wake-up call to us golf fanatics who obviously know Rahm and Bryson as two of the can't-miss players on Tour but both only ranking 22nd in public awareness aka Q-score.
If you're into more info on the PIP results - did a great listicle on the matter.
A $100,000+ golf cruise of a lifetime
Luxury cruiseline Azamara partnered with golf travel company PerryGolf to bring you the 2023 European Golf Cruise Medley.
And as someone who has never once considered a cruise to be a reasonable form of luxury travel (see also the multiple stories every year of cruises being stranded at port and filled with sick passengers...) they may have finally created an experience worth taking.
72 days across 42 ports in 11 different countries. You and a partner will play 29 rounds AND attend the 2023 151st British Open.
All for the low starting price of $107,000.
Sorry, Krooks—Bill and I got this one.
Speaking of potential hazards on the high seas...
I thought I'd seen it all when it came to on-course wildlife stories. But as always, Australia said "hold my Foster's." (Dang, you remember Foster's? Felt like 10 years ago all you'd see on TV was Foster's commercials and/or Red Stripe commercials. Where my international beer marketers at??)
Anywhooooo, I was perusing Golf Reddit and stopped in my tracks when I saw a cross post from the "how crazy is nature" subreddit. Of course, true to form for Reddit, all links were broken and the original post was removed for violating some insane subreddit rule. But some mild-to-moderate Googling did the trick.
"The 14th tee at the Carbrook Golf Club in Brisbane is a tricky one, as it’s close to a 21 hectare, 14-meter deep lagoon that happens to be the home of a dozen full-grown bull sharks. They’ve been around since the late 1990s, and even though the species is notorious for its aggressiveness, especially against humans, the bull sharks of Carbrook have become somewhat of a tourist attraction. The club even has a monthly tournament named after its unusual inhabitants, Shark Lake Challenge."
Absolutely incredible. This local news story DIVES (hah, the coffee is working this morning!) further into the story. But leave it to Australia to see Florida's gators and raise them a lagoon full of aggressive bull sharks.
So far, so great!
I'm cookin' up a piping hot new project for the Breakfast Balls community and beyond. And after a week of great emails, I am still hungry for more.
Bad Birdie and Bachelor Parties.
An iconic duo rivaling Jay and Ye (You all watching this Jeen-yuhs doc on Netflix?? So good.)
Through the highs and the lows (golf scores we hope!), the chugs and the bro-hugs. Bad Birdie's iconic style was tailor-made for your bachelor party. Now is the time to share your stories, your tips and your pics with us!
If you had or plan to have a golf bachelor party, then I need to hear from you.
I've got goodies for ya, too. (And if you emailed already, I see you—more to come!)
The Seminole Pro-Am
News trickled in earlier this week of the pairings and results from Monday's Seminole Pro-Am. The catch? I basically can't find any indication as to why this tournament happens, why it happens on a Monday, why it draws an absolutely LOADED field and why it's not televised??
This has major golf Illuminati vibes to it and I'm very much intrigued.
Any event like this whose Google results return essentially no press is just so odd to me. If only we knew someone who played in it and could get the team some insider info...
Hold up... is that?? And she's hanging with Bill and Krooks??? Holy f$#% he did it...
Have a Breakfast Balls-worthy tip? Secrets to teaching an infant to love golf from day one?
Hit me up! The hot line is always open.
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