LPGA x Squid Games

Where my gganbu at??? As one of the 111 million+ people who watched Squid Game on Netflix, I was all over these hospitality gifts from this week's LPGA BMW Championship in Busan, Korea.

Yep, the women received an infamous dalgona cookie upon arrival. The toffee-like cookie that comes in a circle with a little wooden stick so you can delicately extract the shape from within.
Because if there's one thing you'd like to have on your mind before competing at the highest level—it's an anxiety-inducing, chisel-for-yourself cookie that if done incorrectly will result in your own death.

BTW - Can someone check in on Danielle Kang?
Ever wonder where we get our polo inspo?

Okay, I promise I'll pull back on the golf meets wildlife content in the future—but COME ON! How do I not call this out?
Was flipping through the feed this week and came across this post from Zire Golf rounding up the best African wildlife content out of Skukuza Golf Club in South Africa.
Leopards welcoming you to the course, hyenas and wild dogs swarming tee boxes and water buffalo blocking shots from the center cut of the fairway. Absolutely epic.
I've already passed these videos along to the polo design team—expect plenty of elephants in our Spring 2022 collection.

We've got a new frontrunner for Bad Birdie superfan.

Nicholas Wojno—we f***** SEE YOU BRO!
My man sent through the receipts from his college marketing course and we're here for all of it.
Now, not sure if you're open to notes...BUT...
I see you've done a great job of calling out all the great stuff that Bill's doing over on the IG channels and, listen, I get it. Bill is cool AF. Plain and simple. Pit Viper double wide shades. A persistent 5 o'clock shadow that says, yeah I groom this but also I DGAF. Buddies with a guy whose Brooks Koepka-like looks get you into exclusive Michelob clubs and singing karaoke with Jena Sims. But you're talkin' about invigorating stories and not a single shout-out to the maestro of Breakfast Balls?? Opportunity missed is all I'm sayin'.
It's an A- from me, dawg.
Euro Tour is BACK on their content game

I've said it once and I'll say it again—the European Tour consistently cranks out the best Youtube content.
The content is so great that I don't even mind that I've never heard of either of these pros—Ryan Fox and Paul Waring.
But I still watched the whole damn thing. Impressive. This was a mixed bag challenge where the two used anything but golf clubs to hit their shots. And once they used an item, they couldn't use it again.
Tennis rackets, frying pans and garden shovels seem to be the secret to creating a scenario in which I could conceivably beat these guys in an 18 hole match.
Well worth the watch and now I'm dying to try this out myself. Know of any tourneys like this? Hit up the hot line below.
Want to re-heat some leftover Breakfast Balls?
Check out our blog and dig in.