To pretend that I followed any golf news this week would be a joke. I spent the week on the Oregon coast soaking in all the Bandon Dunes goodness. So this issue is dedicated to those who enjoy living vicariously through others, have a trip coming up themselves, and the three dozen or so of you who enjoy hearing my personal anecdotes.

Honestly, maybe we can imagine it's the 1960s and I'm having you over to my shag carpeted living room. I mix up some Manhattans as I dim the lights and roll through a photo projector of the trip like Don and Megan Draper from Mad Men.


Photo Journal


Bandon Trails was the first course we played and I found it to be one of the most unique golfing experiences I've ever had. It moved from dunes to meadows to full-on forest and then back again. There's a moment where you climb to the top of the ridge and overlook the entire Bandon property—and they say that it's where the handshake was made when Mike Keiser agreed to purchase the land. Epic.
Half the fun of this course was just hiking the trails from hole to hole. I was nervous AF to play and the scores showed it but I still had a blast—and that's pretty impressive.
My Score: 97


Photo Journal


Pacific Dunes got super blustery in the afternoon on day one. I liked how my buddy described it as every hole felt like it could be a normal course's signature hole... but at Pacific Dunes they just keep coming. Photos on my phone couldn't do this place justice. It's stunning.
Let's just say that my struggles continued with my golf clubs in the afternoon—and the weak slices were feasted on at every turn by the ocean gusts.
My Score: 96


Photo Journal


Day two was Sheep Ranch and, on some level, it was nice to experience a rainy and foggy Oregon coast. Got maybe 1 or 2 hours of rain and I learned that I sneaky love playing with two rain gloves. Very Aaron Rai or Teddy Bridgewater of me. 

Despite the rain it was my best round of the trip. Left plenty of meat on the bone but was quite proud to break 90 as a 15 handicap on at least one course.
My Score: 89


Photo Journal


I am no golf course architecture buff and when some of the guys in my group were throwing out terms like Biarritz and Redan, I was more likely to assume we were talking about different Pantone shades of green. That said, Old Mac was a really wild course with an array of golf hole styles that made each hole feel like a little unique surprise to unwrap.
Lowest of the lows for your boy. I legit forgot how to swing a golf club and WHIFFED two drives for the first time since I was 14? Humbling. And I share this to hopefully encourage those of you who think Bandon is just for single digit handicappers... you can 100% still have fun here.
My Score: 100


Photo Journal


For the final round of our trip, Bandon Dunes the OG. Played it back to back with Old Macdonald and the crew was rushing to the tee box to sneak a full 18 in before the sun set. The first few holes were TOUGH as the wind started whipping at 30 mph gusts. But the last 2/3 of the course opens up and offers some really killer views.

We ran a week long Ryder Cup style tournament among the group and the final round was singles for all the marbles. After a rough front 9 that had me 4 DOWN, the golf lessons finally kicked in and I had my best 9 holes of the trip to battle back and win the match by 1 on 18 as the sun set. Couldn't have drawn up a better finish.
My Score: 92


No one asked, but I'm telling you anyways



As a non single digit handicap, I think what most of the "approved lists" miss is the experience of playing the course. For my taste, they focus too heavily on the playability and fairness of holes. As someone who only break 90 once, I was fighting for my life out there so at least let me enjoy getting my @$% handed to me. 
And as I reflected on the holes I remembered most vividly, here is where I fell on the courses.
  1. Bandon Trails
  2. Old Macdonald
  3. Pacific Dunes
  4. Bandon Dunes
  5. Sheep Ranch
Trails and Old Mac had me grinning ear to ear. Super fun courses that I could find nowhere else. I'm probably lower on the Dunes courses because Torrey Pines is my local muni so the ocean views, while impressive, don't hit quite as hard. Poor Sheep, someone had to come last. Still a top notch course anywhere else, but it's got little brother syndrome to the fullest as it competes every day with Top 10 courses in the country.
I don't know who we held the door for or tipped at a coffee shop or let merge onto the highway to earn this amount of good fortune on the weather so I'll caveat the following itinerary... assume you have great weather for all rounds...
AM - Sheep Ranch - It's the easiest course and a nice way to introduce yourself to the property.
PM - Shorty's - Super fun 19 hole short course they just opened. We played as an 8-some and nobody batted an eye. Peak vibes at sunset, too.
AM - Pacific Dunes - Really tough if the wind cranks up in afternoon, so play it in the morning and soak in the epic scenery.
PM - Punchbowl - Putting course that shares a clubhouse with Pacific Dunes. You can walk around barefoot with a beer if you want. Come as you are.
AM - Bandon Trails - Deserves it's own day as an 18 hole course. So unique, nice palate cleanser.
PM - Bandon Preserve - Shares a clubhouse with Bandon Trails and it's a 13 hole short course kind of like Shorty's.
AM - Old Macdonald
PM - Bandon Dunes

Identical closing day to what we played and I had no notes. Old Macdonald would go from very hard to impossible for me if there was afternoon 30 mph+ gusts plus closing the trip on the OG course as the sun sets is an impeccable finish.
Behind every insane destination golf trip, for those of us with families, is a partner who stayed home to watch the kids. A massive shout out to my wife, Kaitlin, who chased a 2.5 year old Jack around town for six days—while seven months pregnant. Love you!