Big dog.  


I'll admit, my social media game is erratic at best. I never really know what I should hard post v. story post, tweet v. Instagram v. Threads. The result? A feed that's essentially a shrine to Jack and my wife. And 99% of the time, it works for me.

But then a meme comes along and I get the itch. Wishing I could jump in and participate with everyone else. It gives me the same feeling of being 8, staring out my bedroom window as I finish my homework but can hear my friends playing capture the flag in the culdesac outside.

This was one of those memes.

The backstory is that this screenshot was grabbed from a clip showing Tiger greeting a high school caddie from the PNC championship on the first tee. Right after calling him "Big dog" he tells him "Let's go to work."

That clip alone had me ready to Kool-Aid Man my way through a brick wall.

Then, golf social got a hold of it.

No Laying Up hitting the nail right on the head. Elegant and simple.

Claire Rogers is a fantastic follow. Really nice blend of humble in-field reporting and her genuine character coming through.


Shooter is another fun follow, content is all over the place but more hits than misses.

Carolyn with the relatable content. Gin and tonic is my wedding drink, and literally the only venue in which I drink it. Also, for a glimpse into how I dance at weddings, check this TikTok video out.

Because I'm embarrassed to come out of my social media slumber just to post a few attempts at this meme, you all get them instead.


1) Meeting my friend's friend on the first tee, secretly wishing he doesn't ask me what frat I was in.

(Would Roar Omega Roar count? Oozma Kappa? Where my Monsters University fans at??)

2) Me to the ID checker at the brewery—forgetting it was a UFC night.

(I should just put a Memento-style tattoo on my arm at this point, if it's UFC night, find another venue.)

3) Me at my brother-in-law's bachelor party desperately hoping I don't get asked to chug anything.

(I didn't!)

TaylorMade drops the holiday content


Every year TaylorMade drops a piece of Christmas cringe. And yet it catches me by surprise every time. Typically, it'll be a posed photo of the entire team with matching jammies or everyone singing a Christmas carol.

But this year, it was a video. A SUPER weird video. Click through above to watch if you hadn't seen already.

I mean this thing is bizarre—and I can't stop watching it.

1) The soundtrack is public domain. Which means the vibe is odd from the get-go. Are there lyrics? You ask. Nope. Just a plucking upbeat jingle.

2) Surely someone talks in the video, right? Nope. Well, they must look at one another, right? Nope. By my count, not one person looks another person in the eyes.

3) Okay, but at least everyone is smiling? Nope. Not one single pro in this video smiles at any point—to camera, to one another, to themselves.

So the real question is—has Team TaylorMade perfected Christmas cringe?

PGA Tour found their billionaires


Only hours after last week's Breakfast Balls dropped, ESPN broke the news that the PGA Tour Board selected the Strategic Sports Group as their US-based financing partner.

Who is the Strategic Sports Group? The short version, sporting illuminati. The longer version, a "consortium of billionaires" including the owners of the Red Sox, Celtics, Falcons, Brewers, Mets, Cubs, and former owner of the Bucks.

Lots of this deal is still in the air as the PGA scrambles to secure funding before the end of the year. The agreement with the league of billionaire buddies is around $3 billion—and reports are that there is still the possibility of more funding coming from the Saudi coalition that was announced back in June.

The article went on to describe all the details which, frankly, are fairly boring. But here were the other two pieces I found most amusing.

A quote from an "insider" about the Saudis motivations in signing Rahm...

"It was a f--- you by PIF to the tour that they can grab anyone, even the guy who was adamant about not joining. Three hundred million dollars is a rounding error to the Saudis. Their message was: 'You want to keep fighting with us, really? You want to keep talking to everyone and box us out? Good luck with that.'"


And the other nugget was the list of other investment groups that were considered...

- Endeavor, the parent company of WWE

- The UFC

- The sports agency IMG

- Acorn Growth Company, an Oklahoma City-based private equity investment firm involved in aerospace, defense, intelligence and space 

What even is this list?! WWE... UFC... an aerospace/military defense company?!

 Private equity is a wild wild world.

I want to go to there


I don't often geek out over gear releases... but when I do, it's for absolutely stunning works of art like this.

I spent an embarrassing amount of time this week staring at these irons from Mizuno. They are a special edition Masters set that's exclusive to Japan.

I uhhh don't really have much to say. Just sit and stare at these beauties. That's it.

One week left to get your mail in!


Another fun batch of emails this past week, some were quite unhinged—and I love to see it!
We've got one more week to go—so if you haven't already, send me your thoughts. The ones selected for my mailbag issue next week will get some free gear!
Ask me anything!
Ask about myself, Jack, the one hole in San Diego that's eaten the most golf balls of mine.
Ask about Bad Birdie, how I'm in the final four of our office fantasy league, how I can get you a free Breakfast Balls hat with your order of $50 or more using code BREAKFAST.
Honestly, you don't even need to ask something. What's your golfing goals for 2024? What's something interesting happening in golf that I never talk about?
My goal is to compile my favorites and, truly, if you're chosen for the final issue of 2023, I'll send over some free gear!

Have a Breakfast Balls-worthy tip? Secrets to teaching a toddler to love golf? Want to play some G?

Hit me up! The hot line is always open. 

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