Dropping his own hype videos.  


Min Woo Mania is already sweeping me off my feet.
This week, Min Woo officially earned his 2024 PGA Tour card. Though with the amount of times I saw him on TV last season, I had no idea he hadn't earned one already.
How did he announce? A hype video (linked above) featuring a techno-style beat... posted to his own Twitter...
I'm all in. Partly because he's unapologetically gunning for those end of year PIP standings and partly because I can't remember the last time we had a legitimate contender-quality player enter the mix with such unrestrained confidence.
Your Shefflers and Spieths all just arrived, hat in hand, doing their middle of the country humble thing. BORING.
Give me swag + heavy Australian accent 10/10 times.

Guess who got a nice little pay bump?


Never a great sign when the latest news headline for a company/institution/sports league having financial issues is a fat salary increase for their CEO.
Originally reported by Sportico and expanded on by Sports Illustrated. (Side note, how wild is that Sports Illustrated AI story?! Apparently, they've been publishing AI-written product reviews with fake headshots of writers. Yo, give me free product. I'll write that $#&^!)
Anywho, the story here is that while the Tour 10x'd (dec-tupled?) their legal fees from $2 to $20M. And also acknowledged that they would need financing help to compete with LIV. Jay said, you know what? I've been a good boy this year, I'll take a 34% pay bump, too. Raising his salary from around $13.9M to $18.6M.
I'm not going full Bernie here and demanding he give it all back to the players ranked 100-200. BUT. My dude, the optics! At least pull some Billions-level stuff and work in some back-end cut if/when you do secure financing in exchange for giving up some salary now. 
The leaked financial doc, on top of the Rahm depature, on top of Wells Fargo pulling out as a Tour sponsor, on top of the Rory departure on the board, on top of the TIGER ENTERING THE BOARD... all leads me to believe that someone very well-connected in this process is planting this stuff to get him ousted.
And I don't know if I blame 'em. Thinking about where we were two years ago—my man botched this thing hard.

Graduatin' tee boxes at PNC


Speaking of possible PGA Tour CEO replacements... the family Woods.
Golf media went beserk this week as little Charlie/already about five times more muscle than me Charlie was moved back to the 6600 yard tees for the PNC Championship this weekend. The same tees that will be played by John Daly, Nelly Korda, and Vijay (among others). Charlie is 14. Sheeeeeesh!
The PNC is the scramble format, 36-hole tourney held in Florida where 20 pairs of family members from both PGA and LPGA compete.
I'm a sucker for this tourney. And now, with Jack, it's giving me a whiff of Father and Son by Cat Stevens. I'm not crying, it's uhhh allergies.
For instance, Steve Stricker is playing with his daughter Izzi (a Wisconsin state high school champ... btw). And Annika Sorenstam is playing with her 12 year old son Will (who carded a hole in one during practice rounds!) Where else are you getting this kind of wholesome family content.
Elsewhere, John Daly is back with his son and it's probably best to keep them separated from 12 year old Will... or he's going to see some things.

Alright, Golf Digest, this was good


Credit where credit is due, Golf Digest published a "This year in screenshots" article that was pretty good. Thankfully it wasn't Alex Myers' idea (my completely imaginary arch-nemesis over there) but damn it if I wish I had come up with this first.
But I didn't... so here is an abridged version of my favorites. Full article is linked to the image above that shares a glimpse into what JT's might look like in 10 years—eternally hungover.
Patrick Reed throwing a tee at Rory was THIS YEAR?!?! 
He's the worst.
Poor Jordan. Rough year.
So good.
Brooks loves his Panthers. Maybe it was just these two games over the course of the year, but in my head, I feel like there was about a 5 month stretch where it was all images taken from the lower angle up into his box as he goes absolutely wild.
A late addition but iconic.
I've already sent this in about 12 different group chats.

Keep 'em coming!


Thank you to everyone who sent in emails from last week's issue. I've read them all, I promise! Responses will be coming once I figure out how I'm going to do this damn mailbag issue... but responses are coming!
That said, I'm hungry for more. So all I ask of you is this...
1) Buy a hat. hah!

And tbh, most of you did. Product team I think expected me to push 2 maybe 3 of them depending on if my buddy Nate was able to figure out how a promo code works or not. But we still got some left so allow me to throw another shameless plug in.
Ask me anything!
Ask about myself, Jack, my favorite breakfast burritos in San Diego.
Ask about Bad Birdie, how Bill lost our fantasy league this year and has a brutal punishment awaiting him, whether we may or may not have some golf to play with one another in the new year...!
Honestly, don't even need to ask something. I've gotten course reccs, pre-round snack preferences, child-rearing tips.
My goal is to compile my favorites and, if you're chosen for the final issue of 2023, I'll send over some free gear!


Have a Breakfast Balls-worthy tip? Secrets to teaching a toddler to love golf? Want to play some G?

Hit me up! The hot line is always open. 

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Check out our blog and dig in.

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