Phew, we're back! I took a one week siesta to make room for some Black Friday action. And, boy, do I got a bone to pick with you all.
I was eating an absolutely delicious bacon breakfast burrito earlier this week. Absolutely DOUSED in salsa. Delightful way to start a day.
But sure enough, an embarrassingly long amount of time later, I looked down to see that I had spilled salsa all over my one of my favorite Bad Birdie tees. (The Worldwide in subtle green, I might add.)
Without a Tide stick in sight, I said, fine, this is probably beyond repair—so I'll just pop online and get a new one. Maybe throw in a Cadmium Orange Bad tee while I'm there.
AND YOU BOUGHT EM ALL! Which I guess is good, technically. But come on, people, that was my favorite shirt.
All this to say, thank you for being such incredible fans—and James, our email marketing guy, said to say that we've still got some Cyber Week deals left. So if you hadn't bought all my favorite gear out from under me already... there's still time...

Tiger SZN is off to a rough start  


It turns out that the TGL dome collapsing a few weeks back ended up being as big a deal as it looked. Tiger and Rory's fledgling golf league officially postponed the inaugural season a full year—and it's now scheduled to kick off in 2025. 
So for all the news leaks and hype over the last few months... we now have another year to go until we see an actual product. Brutal.
However, in yet another mark of exceptional timing, this week was the unofficial kickoff to Tiger SZN! And he had a few things to say about the TGL postponement during press conferences for the Hero World Challenge.
“I think it was moving very quickly, and I think we can take advantage of time delay... there’s so many partners, so many people that... want to get it right, and they have gotten it right, they’re billionaires.”
Let me just grab that billionaires (plural) name drop there for ya, Tiger. A flex as subtle as the GIANT SALSA STAINS ON MY WORLDWIDE TEE... you couldn't leave one large for me, could you?

Tiger SZN roars on


A clip making the rounds on mainstream golf media was this lighthearted game of "Name Tiger's Wins" between Tiger and Max Homa. The idea being that each takes a turn naming one of his wins, volleying back and forth until someone can't think of any more.
The game itself was honestly pretty lame. As you can see by the 87 likes on Twitter (X).
But I guess you film these pieces of content hoping for lines like Homa dropped right at the jump.
Max led things off by chuckling to himself and saying, "Not Riviera." And the screencap above shows Tiger's reaction.
Absolutely vicious blindside that will no doubt be pinned onto Tiger's mental bulletin board should they ever meet mid-round in the future. I'm giddy imagining not only Tiger in the mix for any tournament, but doubly so for it to happen at Riv against Max. 1,000,000:1 odds... but hey, there's a chance!

This is what X is made for...


I had been aware of @ClubProGuy for some time but don't think I quite appreciated how intensely this guy trolls the golf community on X.
We'll get to his post about Min Woo Lee that made headlines in a second, but first let's appreciate the beauty of this tweet about Tiger SZN.
A 30 second scroll of his feed should reveal to anyone that this is a joke account, and yet... let's peruse the comments...
And they go on, and on, and on. 
I will never understand people who try to leave serious comments on social media.
Then again, I have been known to comment on those best-of round-up posts on Instagram with my favorite chicken wing or breakfast sandwich spots that were appallingly left out. So hey, who am I to judge?

Don't come at Min Woo


Been loving the Min Woo surge—here's to many more victories to come! And while both parties are likely trolling each other... still love a good pro golfer responding to the haters.
In other Lee family news, really cool story from the Australian Open this year as both Min Woo and Min Jee will tee off back to back in this year's tournament. It marks the second year they've gone to combined men-women fields and apparently it's only 12:1 odds that both Min Woo and Min Jee win... which, for golf, seems REALLY low. 
Raising the question, how long will it take them to topple Reggie and Cheryl Miller as the best brother-sister sports duo in history?

Dad injuries are gnarly, man


Another fantastic nugget to come from the Hero World Challenge pressers this week was a story from Spieth about how he re-injured his wrist last season.
The culprit? Toaster. Specifically, placing his hand down to support himself on the counter as he made toast for his son.
If that isn't the most relatable piece of content I've heard in recent weeks... 
(READER'S NOTE: We're nearing the end of the issue so my non-parent readers can probably just close out and get about their day.)
I am DEEP in my parental injury era right now. The kind of injuries that previously seemed unfathomable, but now that I chase, pick up, haul, drag, trike, follow, and keep up with an almost two year old... well, time's are changin'.
In fact, if I had to submit an NFL-style injury report for myself, it might read like this:
Injury: Upper Back Strain // Cause: Catching a fork that Jack tried to throw on the floor earlier this morning.

Injury: Mid-Left Foot Soreness // Cause: Pushing Jack in the stroller for too long while wearing flip flops.

Injury: Neck Kink (causing inability to quickly look left) // Cause: Deadlifting a 30 pound toddler from his crib only to have him suddenly lurch sideways halfway up because, well, he felt like it.
Injury: Right Arm Nerve Pinch // Cause: One-arming a folded stroller over a car hood only to tire out in the final moment and watch it leave a 3 inch long scrape in the paint.
TL;DR... stay strong, Jordan. And for those yet to reach parenthood, stay on that physical fitness regimen.

Have a Breakfast Balls-worthy tip? Secrets to teaching a toddler to love golf? Want to play some G?

Hit me up! The hot line is always open. 

Want to re-heat some leftover Breakfast Balls?

Check out our blog and dig in.

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