There is only one story this week.
Netflix. Dropped. The Trailer.
It is 56 seconds of heart-thumping action, the series drops on February 15th and I can think of no other topic for the entire issue this week than digging into each and every glorious nugget.
(Side note: I haven't combed through a trailer this closely since The Matrix Reloaded dropped. So there's some helpful context around my high school social status in 2002 and also my extreme level of excitement for Feb 15th. The Boxing Day to Jack's birthday... I'll have you know.)
Already surpassing my expectations for what we'd see when the cameras followed the pros "backstage", the clear highlight of the trailer is this locker room meltdown from the Dell Match Play event.
Even though I COULD HAVE checked the internet and allowed them to do the dirty work for me on figuring out who this golfer was... I DIDN'T!
Using my expert-level sleuthing skills, I noticed in the freeze frame pictured here that the golfer was holding a visor and sported pink argyle socks... leaving me no other option that Sir Ian Poulter.
I think we have our villain, folks!
The award for most unintentionally funny moment of the trailer were the cast intros that struck me as more Real World: PGA than they did elite athletes in a docu-series.
Even the font choice is MTV-esque—combined with some really odd action choices for some of the pros...

Oh, no.
You know you had a rough year when the best footage Netflix could share to represent your character was walking alone down a boat dock, hair undone and sporting a hoodie.
Poor Brooks, maybe 2023 will be brighter for ya.
(Yo, anyone heard from Krooks in a while? You good, bro? Sorry I don't know why I said bro there, I'm not a "bro" kind of guy—something about speaking to Krooks brings it out in me.)
(Editor's Note: Upon reading me saying "poor Brooks" - I present Bucket Hat Bill's comments without edit.)
"He made 100 million dollars and married a super model in 2022 Scott. HOW TF IS THAT A ROUGH YEAR
"Poor" brooks?!?!?!? HES SWIMMING IN MONEY
AND he won a Liv Tour event and moved into arguably the nicest house i've ever seen in the year 2022. I just can't get behind the idea that he had a bad year."
Yeah, fair point, Bill.

After a LIV season for DJ that, from all accounts, was truly dominant—Dustin's intro went the way of a basketball-playing everyman. Really odd choice but, hey, maybe basketball will be a major plot line for him?
Which leads to the more interesting question of, what kind of pickup basketball player would DJ be?
I think the archetype that's the odds on favorite would be the guy who is chuckin' shots from all around the court and letting out overly exaggerated sighs when he bricks 'em all.
But a sneaky underdog archetype for him could be a down and dirty post presence. Throwing the occasional elbow and taking charges.
Nugget #3
We got Rory.
And you know it's a big deal when, in any docu-series, the interview subject is seen sitting down into their chair before the cameras are rolling and then the sweet director clap clipboard thing comes into frame.
That's Netfix saying, PAY ATTENTION—THIS IS BIG!
I do wonder when in the process he got on board though. Was this Netflix producers being like, dang, we just lost about 50% of our cast to LIV... we need some more heavy hitters.
Or my preferred scenario, Rory saw Jordan, Scottie and Justin getting interviewed all the time and was like, HEY, include me! I want to do this too!
Nugget #4
Does anyone look good working out? No. Do they look any better in freeze frame? Definitely no.
That's really all I've got here. But Justin is working hard and I bet the PGA pros are going to let us know plenty that they are athletes, too. Which, is true. But also, John Daly.
And finally, my most quietly intriguing pick of the trailer is this shot. Where is this?? Is this at Ian's house? Is this a hotel?? If it's a hotel—then I need to go to there immediately. Driving range right out of your hotel door is genius. And the architecture looks vaguely British, which is a place that I dream of visiting for a golf trip every day.
Nugget #5
I mean I'm not thrilled with the font. I don't know why they chose the paint strokes here... is anything actually painted in golf? Kind of looks Full House-esque.
And was it too much to just name it
Drive to Survive: PGA Tour
Whatever. What do I know?
Needless to say, this will be a looooong month for me to wait.
Have a Breakfast Balls-worthy tip? Secrets to teaching an infant to love golf from day one?
Hit me up! The hot line is always open.
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