"I basically had three checkmarks this week. One was to win the Presidents Cup with these boys. Two was to have a great time. And three, to get Kis to take his shirt off. So I went three for three." - Max Homa reflecting on his run at the Presidents Cup... or (more or less) my own checklist in fantasy last week.
One was to win my match. Two was to have a great time. And three, get our designer Michael to rage create a banner for this week's newsletter commemorating our epic matchup.
And I, as well, went three for three.
Juandamien Nebraska didn't take too kindly to me calling his lowest points against stat a reflection of luck. "What're you trying to say Scott? that good offense and good defense isnt going to win you games?"


Want it. Need it. Gotta try it.


Catching fire on golf social media this week was footage from a new indoor golfing concept that opened in Tianjin, China called City Golf.
Proclaiming itself to be the first hybrid urban golf course in the world, City Golf is an 18-hole indoor golf course. It features 18 different golf simulators cued up to different holes. Golfers traverse the 16,500 square meter facility to play all 18.
The epic twist? After hitting your approach into each of the holes, the screen retracts, revealing an actual green with bunkering surrounding. Overhead projection lights illuminate where to place your ball around the green and play continues IRL.
This is it. This is the indoor facility I've been waiting for. It's basically TGL but at a consumer scale.
I got so excited, in fact, that I reached out to Golfzon Global—the Korean technology company behind the facility—for additional details, ask about opportunities in the US, and pitch them on an angel investment in my Mario Golf IRL concept.
Shockingly, I have not heard back.
For now, I guess all I have is the hope that if anyone happens to be in Tianjin, China sometime soon—send me videos!


Staying on that side of the Pacific...


Nope this isn't a new AI-generated golf course and clubhouse I've been drooling over, it's a human-generated golf course and clubhouse I've been drooling over—and it's in South Korea. This is the clubhouse at Haesley Nine Bridges, which will host a super prestigious amateur tournament called the Bridges Cup.
The story here is less about how incredibly stunning this golf course is, and more about what goes down at clubhouses across South Korea (and maybe North Korea too but besides Dennis Rodman no one really knows what happens there).
Yes, in the era of American golfers complaining about pace of play, it's apparently quite common for Korean golfers to take a full 30 minutes for lunch at the halfway house mid-round.
As Josh Sens writes in his article for golf.com;
"At most tables, the chatter is lively. Camaraderie abounds. The service, meanwhile, is brisk and efficient. Most courses treat these respites as a point of pride."
I don't hate it. Perhaps it's a result of not being a low to mid single digit handicap, but if I am golfing, I'm here for the full experience. And an intentional, non-rushed moment to grab a bite and a beer with the foursome sounds pretty ideal.
Zero chance this works in the states, but all the more reason to maybe turn this into a full Asian golf itinerary after my stop in China for City Golf.


The rich get richer


Came across this "society" on one of the major golf media sites and the description of it as the "Tinder for private golf clubs" really grabbed me.
The idea is that, by belonging to Epic Golf Club, you can match with other private clubs to schedule tee times. Through the app you can message with your host, pay guest fees, etc.
The catch? Only private members (in good standing OF COURSE) can apply.
In writing this alone I've gone back and forth about ten times on whether I love this idea or I think it solves no problems that any of these private club members actually face. But then I read this section... and I finally made up my mind.


Members have many different motivations for joining Epic. They range from people who travel for business or pleasure a dozen times a year and want to entertain clients or friends, to those who only take 2 to 3 trips a year and want to play their best when they are traveling as their time is so precious. 
Regardless of usage, 1 constant remains: Epic golf is comprised of golf lovers who have enjoyed success in their life and continue to expect the best in all that they do.


Checking in on Dunhill Links


This weekend is the DP World Tour's Dunhill Links tournament that features an impressive mix of PGA, DP, and LIV talent competing side-by-side. Loving the clips from the pressers of basically everyone now saying, ok we're about done with this split. We honestly don't care anymore. Just figure it out and call us when it's ready.
But what I want to focus on is the pro-am side to the tournament featuring a bunch of celebrities as well as family members of the pros.
Above is Rory's dad Gerry who cans an impressive chip from well off the green for par... then proceeds to barely show a drop of emotion. 
And I am reminded of how this tournament highlights just how "dad" these Irish/British/Scottish dads are. Stoic and grizzly—they carry an aura all their own. Obviously I would never be able to carry this level of emotionless existence out in the world but there's something weirdly endearing to me about being a weathered, old, stick in the mud kind of dad.
Then you consider Bob MacIntyre's dad, Dougie and all the nuggets of gold that Bob shared about their experiences this week...
"He's very Scottish, he's very negative and he's a negative thinker. So, when things aren't going too well, he's always thinking the wrong way."
TV gold.
"My mum is very positive and my dad is very negative. They don’t walk together on the golf course when they're out spectating."
His mom and dad don't even walk together when they follow Bob around! Incredible.
“I'm sure some relatives will be on the first tee shouting at him."
This is my kind of golf.


This week on r/golf...


Has Reddit gone soft? I clicked on the post above expecting to see this poor guy Hank get roasted in the comments... and was surprised to find... dare I say... shockingly good non-swing advice!

Here are a few of my favorites, but it's worth a scroll especially if you're feeling a bit lost out there.
From u/16-Bit-Trip
Make sure to play dedicated practice rounds from time to time.... During these rounds don't keep score and hit extra balls if time permits. Make sure you really focus on committing to changes so that you get comfortable with them for when it really counts.
(I have never tried this, and I love it. Maybe you schedule a time to go to the cheaper, less than ideal playing conditions course. One that you don't feel beholden to try hard.)
From u/TheShark12
Walking will do wonders for your mental game. The walk to your ball is your time to be pissed off after a bad shot after that let it go.
(Every year that passes, I love walking more and more. Walked all over Bandon and I am confident it led to a deeper appreciation for the course and as the user points out more time to let the emotions wash over you.)
From u/Tasty_Ad9693
Track every shot you take and rank them as Good (exactly what you intended), Bad (completely missed the mark), or Blah (not pretty but effective).
(A buddy of mine sometimes keep score with different smiley faces. And counts up the amount of smiles vs. frowns at the end to judge whether it was a good round.)
From u/mgapen
Fix your ball mark and, if you have time, one more.
(No quicker way to tell whether I like golfing with someone than seeing them fix multiple ball marks on the first green.)