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Tucked into a longer profile of JR Smith on Complex Sports, JR talks about a recent round he played with GOAT Michael Jordan.
It's no secret that MJ talks MAD $#&^ while golfing (and really everywhere), and when asked how often he loads it on, JR quickly confirmed;
“The whole time.”
But the real heat came when they got into on-course bets. JR suggested a little Nassau action, 500 front, 500 back, 500 overall. Before clarifying he meant hundreds, not thousands. Must be nice either way, Swish.
And without missing a beat, MJ replied;
"I know what you’re talking about. I know what you meant.... Yeah, you had a good career. It wasn't a great one. You had a good one."
I mean, he's a college kid MJ! Take it easy.
(For those interested in the outcome, JR describes Jordan "smoking" him. Though it was tied front nine and Jordan won the back by 3 strokes. Which, not sure if that's a smoking by my standards, but could be some a$$-ki$$ing going on towards the legend so who cares.)
Tyson v. Holyfield
Pacquiao v. Mayweather
Ali v. Foreman
Get ready for the newest duo to challenge the greats for the ultimate battle of titans...
Billy v. Ian
Whoops. Doesn't quite have the zing I'm craving. Sounds more like the kind of battles you find on a playground in 4th grade over Pokemon cards.
BUT, the two did exchange some words on the practice green of the DP Tour this week.
All we got was this footage without any guidance on what was said. And while the clickbait screencap appears to show things escalating, neither person actually touched the other and I'm honestly at a loss what they could even be discussing.
"Dude, you don't deserve to be here."
"Because you just made a ton of money joining the Saudi tour."
"Aren't you ashamed?"
"I mean, I did it already. So clearly not."
"Right, but, I would be."
"So don't join."
"I won't."
"Alright, see ya around. Seems like the greens are rolling about 12 today."
Last week I called Rory the GOAT good guy after he shared some heartwarming moments with Team Scheff.
But I perhaps had not sufficiently explored how good a guy could be. Because last week this story surfaced of Tod who decided to treat his ENTIRE FLIGHT to free drinks after scoring a hole in one on his trip. Apparently a 225 yarder too, which, I mean is pretty legit. Mine was a little 9 iron on a short course in Venice, CA. Humble brag, you ask? Nah, just a brag, brag.
Anywho, craziest part of the story is that he was also on the flight with golf reporter Hally Leadbetter who recorded a little post-flight interview and asked her friend to film...
Her friend, Michelle Wie!! MICHELLE!!! I miss you. Can't wait for the podcast.
Skukuza Golf Club in South Africa is a neverending source of miraculous wildlife on the course content and this latest one is probably more "wild" than actual "life" but miraculous nonetheless.
As you see, threw this one behind my lo-fi paywall because, well, I don't know it's obviously a prey v. predator situation. So click through if you don't mind that kind of stuff, and don't click if you do mind. The power is yours.
This place is bucket list for sure as it combines my childhood dream to go on a real African safari with my adulthood dream of playing golf (anywhere, really).
Seems I've made quite the first impression on some of my colleagues—falling squarely into position as the worst team post-draft.
Bill (OF COURSE on top of the list) dropped this gem into the Slack chain for the world to see. And now I have to deal with the fact that they're all back at HQ snickering away at poor Scott in San Diego picking himself up by the bootstraps to claw his way into Bad Birdie relevance.
My main concern in this moment is not my team, however, because I'm actually quite good at fantasy. (Two humble brags in the same issue? Make that two brag brags, thank you very much.)
No, my main concern is that I legit have only met Bill and Preston in person. All 9 other people are varying levels of strangers and while I may use this as an opportunity to meet them/introduce you to them all... it devastates me to think that people like my beloved Ilum believe me to be inept.
Have a Breakfast Balls-worthy tip? Secrets to teaching an infant to love golf from day one?
Hit me up! The hot line is always open.
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