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Just top notch writing I'm giving you people


Let that headline wordplay sink in. 

Annnnnd we're back!

Big week of PGA and PGA-adjacent announcements this week—all showing just how complacent, comfortable and innovation-averse the PGA has been this whole time. 

We'll kick it off with the monumental twosome that formed TMRW Sports—Tiger and Rory. Originally billed as a tech-first venture to help the PGA host one-day stadium-style events.

Turns out that they've been busy bees, because they announced this week the TGL Tour. A 15 event, made for television series, featuring 3v3 competitions in an e-sports like stadium.

If only the real world were half as cool as the world imagined in artist renderings. Nothing gets me going more than a news article featuring artist renderings of future habitable planets. I digress.

My opinions here are still half-baked. My gut says that this is missing the point of what we actually want to see and if you put this against a properly run LIV format with actual stakes... I think I chose LIV.


People are finally trying things. And I will always respect anyone who tries and fails over someone who doesn't try at all.

Living in a world where this is well done and not resembling the pace and excruciating nothingness that is network game shows. I'm looking at you Deal or No Deal. I love team events. I think it'd be cool if the green was always changing contours so they had to read it each time. And any time we can get a glimpse of pros being normal human beings is appreciated.

But I just have a hard time imagining the cadence of a golf broadcast, packed into two hours, with a crowd, and it being anything but cringe. The lights and video boards look cool though and I'd rent the HELL out of this place for a party.

PGA makes some ch-ch-changes too...


Lost in the littany of updates the PGA announced today around adding more, higher purse events with a higher collection of top players committing to each—was the PIP update which I found intriguing.

For those who may not know, and why would you because the program is admittedly a bit of a joke, the PIP is the Player Impact Program. A program the PGA established to sort of reward players who have a good social following. I assume to engage with the community and better build golf celebrity?

In actuality, it was the Tiger Stimulus Package because who would ever beat Tiger in a social media battle. The guy posts a single swing video in 7 months and single-handedly took over first place.

The updates, however, could make things interseting:

- Increase payouts to 20 total players (up from 10)

- Total bonus pool increased to $100M (an alarmingly high number that the PGA just "found" the funds for)

- A mandatory event attendance of 13 elevated events and 3 non-elevated events.

This last point is super interesting because it Tiger-proofs the program to some effect. And because the events are elevated, more of the top players should participate. Mostly I just want to see more Max Homa and Joel Dahmen energy out there. Is that so much to ask??

Wholesome content inbound 


Circling the internet this week was this pair of incredible handwritten notes given to Rahm and JT at the BMW from someone named Bay.

Immediately love any note that begins with "To whoever I give this to" by the way.

The two notes are largely similar and are jam packed with wholesome, inspirational and uplifting nuggets that I am prepared to liberally pepper all my golf group chats with.

"I wish you good luck in your golf adventures."
For when the crew is out golfing without me.

"You were chosen by the universe to play golf."
What I will show my wife before my next 8 hour golfing adventure.

"Don't get distracted by fans yelling things like mashed potatoes."
For when I have to help prepare this year's Thanksgiving feast for the fam.

Love this all.

Hold up, didn't you mention murder in the subject line this week?


Fascinating story from Golf Digest's podcast this week as they spoke with Beverly Bell—author of the book The Murder of Marion Miley. Perhaps Bev could've used some workshopping on the title to really grab us, but I've never written a book so a hearty f-off to me and my opinions on that topic.

Anywho, the TLDR is that Marion was one of the more prolific and famous women's golf stars of the 30s and 40s. She was murdered in her apartment by some burglars and the story largely faded away despite her massive fame because... Pearl Harbor.

Beverly is bringing the story back because Marion was not only a fantastic golfer worthy of remembering but was so popular at the time that she was dubbed "the most photographed golfer in the world."

The book is mostly fictionalized with dialog etc and was a finalist for the USGA's book awards. A distinction I was unaware was available at all.

Friends, family and distinguished BB readers



Well, a Warehouse Sale is actually how the brand team would like to me describe it. But that doesn't work with my Arrested Development joke now, does it?!?

For real, though.

We've got some old school polos, photoshoot stuff and design samples that we are offering up to our people at an absurd discount.

Polos for like $35, Hats for $10. I mean, come on.

And all you got to do is...

Click the button below and enter the passcode: BBVAULT

(Don't say I never did anything for you.)

Have a Breakfast Balls-worthy tip? Secrets to teaching an infant to love golf from day one?

Hit me up! The hot line is always open. 

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