Throw another huge W on the board for Team Norman


Welp, that was quick.

No, this isn't a David Lettermen style list of things starters say about my drives off the first tee.

It's rather a comment about how LIGHTNING fast the PGA buckled under the pressure from LIV's format changes. In one single season, LIV has completely transformed the way the PGA Tour operates. From the prize purses, to the elevated events, to the latest round of updates planned for the 2024 season including:

- Further limiting field size to between 70 and 80 players

- Introducing no-cut events to the elevated schedule

Yep, the league that less than one year ago touted how having cuts elevated the quality of play, blah blah blah... now will be adding no-cut formats to their signature events.

I mean, this is stunning to me that they buckled this fast and wow am I impressed with how LIV was able to force this change so quickly.

It's giving me Red Bull Racing.

(Come on, someone out there has to be impressed I know about this turn of phrase...)

And while LIV's voice on social reeks of someone who has never played golf before, and the early ratings from their CW broadcast were beat out by America's Funniest Animals... oof...

You can not deny this as a huge W and "told ya so" for the Fightin' Normans.

Kudos to you, Greg.

And kudos to you, Craigers (for my Chasing Scratch people.)

Not so fast PIP program...


I will forever be Seinfeld over Friends—but I think about this line and GIF way more than any Seinfeld fan should.

Pivot, in this instance, refers to the PGA tucking in a little update to the PIP program next season in their latest press release. The PIP, Tracey, is the Player Impact Program aka the PGA's yearly social popularity contest where they award the most popular players on social media with additional prize money.

(Tracey, of course, being a reference to my latest podcast obsession Smartless starring Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, and my FORMER COWORKER Sean Hayes. Tracey is the name of Sean's sister who they reference throughout the show when they use industry terms that need definition for those who may not know... i.e. Tracey. ANYYYYYYWAYS.)

Yes, the same PIP program that they JUST changed for this current season to include a massively enlarged prize pot and longer list of players to pay out.

Turns out, however, that they may have jumped the gun because the update they're making is essentially taking a mulligan on the whole thing and rolling it back to the smaller prize pot and smaller list of winning players.

Which plays into a larger gripe I have with the PGA right now in that their decisions seem to be ultra-reactive disguised as being proactive. I'd feel so much more confident in the PGA if they stuck to their guns, leveraged their traditions as a main differentiator with LIV, and then created some sort of innovation think tank off-shoot where they try crazy S#&%. That way they can keep an arms-length distance from the reactive format changes while standing tall on their longevity and authority.

But who am I anyways? Just some brilliant, folksy, everyman golf writer who breaks all the rules of English.

This is a life mantra I can live by


 A delightful read this week from Golf Digest, in preparation for the API this weekend, was "10 Rules for a Golf Life" where they used Arnie's words to boil down 10 simple rules for living a great life... and honestly, they check out.

For Arnie, this meant his actual golf swing—but I've been reading a lot about Axios' Smart Brevity and just how clever they were in creating a new system of writing to speak to the modern reader. And I admire the idea of inventing and owning your own approach to life. It's both aspirational and inspirational.

This one is a gimme for all you Bad Birdie enthusiasts. The fact that you either subscribe to this newsletter and/or wear BB on the regular means this Rule should need no explanation. 

Still haven't gotten that JT started playing golf at 18 months nugget out of my mind... and I think it's just a great note to keep in mind overall. Teach kids what you wish you'd been taught.

For my younger readers, this will likely mean more as your body starts to ache in mysterious places for mysterious reasons. But I love a good walk. And since my wife got me a push cart for Christmas, walking a course is truly golfing nirvana.

Easily the most effective and life-changing golf tip I've ever received was Ben Hogan's first lesson of golf on a proper grip. Read it. Internalize it. Crazy to see how poorly I was gripping the club previously after years of golf magazine quick fixes and Instagram "pro" lessons.

And I'll actually take a page out of my own book here and recognize the power in brevity—so let's tackle the other 5 Rules next week.

Because as much as I love to write, people don't always love to read... sad but sad.

This week on r/golf


Okay, so what the f^&#$?

In what world are you getting away with a full golf lesson, with your baby in a car seat, without a complete meltdown?

What am I missing?

I see content across all social platforms of parents whisking their tiny kids off to driving ranges, simulators, and even on the course—and I have to wonder, what do these people do when their kid completely melts down?

The fear of a meltdown paralyzes me. I can't be that guy at the range as everyone turns around to wonder why on Earth I would risk it for a couple good swings. 

And so, I say... golf parents! ASSEMBLE!!


I need some real world strategies here.

How long of a session can I get in? How do I keep a 1 year old occupied? What am I missing? What do you do if he melts down on the course?

I need answers—so hit me up using the link at the bottom of every Breakfast Balls. It truly goes directly to my email... so I'll read it. I may not respond, because some of y'all are wild. But I read 'em.

Full Swing: Episode 2


And now the section that literally DOZENS of you have been waiting for. Episode 2 thoughts.

In this week's edition we follow Brooksy and the macro note I've got for the whole thing? Dude, bring it in here and give me a hug.

- Framing golfers as alphas was a bit forced though I do recognize that Brooks certainly ain't bringing that beta energy. But classifying BRYSON AS AN ALPHA?!? I'm sure he was thrilled to hear it, but that's a no from me dawg. 

- Brooks, splurge a bit, get yourself an at-home putting green. Watching the scene with his putting coach on the carpet in the living room was wild to see. That can't be effective... what are those things rolling at on the stimp meter anyways... a 0.5??

- Speaking of alpha moves, building yourself a trophy wall with all those built in empty shelfs is peak Brooks. But my guy, give yourself the pleasure of waking up each day and admiring what you've accomplished, rather than focusing on all the holes. Koepka has already reached levels that most will never even sniff on the Tour—I just want to see those shiny beauts gleaming in the sun.

- I completely forgot that Patrick friggin' Reed put a green jacket on Tiger friggin' Woods. WOW. Life comes at you fast.

- Shout out to the little kid on the ropes at the PGA event who boldly asks Brooks for a picture with Jena—who is seemingly nowhere in sight. That kid is trouble. Guaranteed lock of the century.

- Let's take a moment to appreciate that Brooks is a Selling Sunset fan. Which leads to the obvious follow-up... DID DAVINA SELL THAT HOUSE?!?!?!  

- And my final takeaway was that he got a pretty bummer edit. Those damn cuts and edits. I got to think the producers are pulling the strings here to weave a narrative but I know there's a braggadocious, fun-loving spirit inside there... meanwhile Netflix is out here making him look like Charlie Brown. You think Charlie Brown is showing up to Lucy's little cardboard stand one day with bleached blonde hair?!?! Try again.

OVERALL RATING: 3/10 - All in all, a bit of a wobble out the gates for Netflix in my opinion—but I know there are some juicy nuggets to come so I'm pumped to see who's up next!


Your homework for this week:

Episode 3

Have a Breakfast Balls-worthy tip? Secrets to teaching an infant to love golf from day one?

Hit me up! The hot line is always open. 

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