Details to come at the end but for all of you who likely opened this week's Breakfast Balls hoping for a deep dive into the Full Swing docu-series drop this week... good things will come to those who wait.

Plus, I really wanted to test how many of you are blindly supporting BB because dropping a Kevin Kisner reference as my lead story is... TPC Sawgrass 17th level RISKY.

Nothing like a spicy Kisner lead to kick things off.


Swiped this carousel of Kisner love from repost factory Zire Golf this week. They were honoring Kev man's 39th birthday and I was appalled by how little I knew or appreciated Kevin. And if these stories are any indication, he has a real untapped Homa edge to him that the world deserves to know.

Click through the image above for the full post but the TLDR is...


Love his DGAF response to the reporter seen above—am I going to win? Probs not. Am I here to make some cash anyways? Abso-f&#*n'-lutely.


The dude is just WAITING for someone to chirp him. Which is a quality I hold in the highest regard as anyone who has played me in match play knows... chirp. I dare you to chirp. Nothing I hate seeing more than an uber affable and courteous opponent on match play day. Kryptonite.

(Also why I think I might respond quite to well to a little net match play round with Bucket Hat Bill... he's got chirp written all over him.)


The final image of the carousel appears to be a text chain recap of a Kisner story from Winged Foot. Kev Man supposedly pounded 17 beers, which urban legend adjusted still means he likely had 12? And proceeded to scream "THIS AIN'T A HOBBY FELLAS!" to his playing group when he birdied a tough par 3 17th.

The fire burns with The Kis. And I love it!

Homa has his thoughts on...


Massive Tiger update this week was him announcing he'd join his own tournament at RIV. Usually we only see the grainy cell phone footage of him knocking it around at the pro-am/practice rounds and maybe Tiger in the booth dancing around whether he'd be ready for major season.

But no, we get full Tiger this week.

He revealed that while he believes he can compete this weekend, he is battling plantar fasciitis. AKA that foot injury you always curse your fantasy football running backs for having because it knocks them out for weeks on end.

And now that we've had some time to see Tiger on the course, it is quite painful to watch him hobble around. He hobbled his way to a -2 Thursday, mind you. But hobblin' nonetheless.

So where does Max Homa find his way into this?

His reaction to the news that Tiger joined the field:

"I imagine we'll be carrying him down the hill on 1 and up it on 18. Which no one would mind."

Homa remains undefeated.

A reverse defection? A de-defection.


Alan Shipnuck coming in from the rafters with what would be quite the twist in the PGA-LIV saga of the past year plus.

He theorizes that Brooks may be having second thoughts on making the cash grab last season as he was more concerned with never quite getting back to healthy playing shape.

HOWEVER, he's reportedly been feeling more like himself and could be considering a reverse jump to the PGA as the ego-boost of the LIV tour apparently doesn't quite hit the same.

Needless to say, this would be a fascinating turn as the PGA continues to find more ways to incentivize its top players in the hopes of luring the top dogs back into the mix.

Previously, on February Instagram


Earlier this month to celebrate National Girls and Women in Sports Day, @onherturf on Instagram did a round up of some amazing before and after shots of the LPGA's stars.

Beginning with this gem of Sei Young Kim which seems ripped straight from promotional materials for Karate Kid. I mean the spotlight and stadium lighting is either a fantastic camera trick or she was competing an absurdly high level when she was young.

Laughed out loud when I came on Lexi's post mid-carousel. All business. Not even a SNIFF of whimsy or childlike joy—just full on gamer mode. All day. Every day.

Lexi strikes me as someone who has a pure hatred for puns. Hey Lexi, what'd you make your custom golf cart windshield out of? P-LEXI glass?

And honestly, if that was the level of pun I was subjected to, hatred would cross my mind as well. 


Best of the bunch by far.

How someone could go from hockey goalie to elite pro golfer is beyond my comprehension. Though she is Canadian so actually it makes a ton of sense. Ignore me.

A true test of patience


Fun fact about me: I absolutely HATE binging shows. My wife? Quite the opposite. So I'll let you decide whether we typically binge shows in our house or not...

For Full Swing, I thought it would be fun to watch "together" as I drop my gut reaction thoughts each week, one episode per week.

For those who enjoy a binge and likely have already watched the entire series... I envy that you already know what happens. And I pity you. Because the rest of us will get a little morsel of goodness each week—stretching this high for weeks to come! 

We're watching this thing like a delicious rack of BBQ ribs—low and slow, baby. Whoops, apparently it's dinner time.


Your homework for this week:

Episode 1

Have a Breakfast Balls-worthy tip? Secrets to teaching an infant to love golf from day one?

Hit me up! The hot line is always open. 

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